Dental cosmetics refers to the any desirable changes made to ones dentition, gums or bite to improve its cosmetic appearance. It primarily focuses on improvement in colour, position, shape, size, alignment of teeth and overall smile appearance. It has gained tremendous popularity in recent past considering the importance of personality in the overall personality of an individual.

At Clinique International, we offer you array of innovative options depending upon the condition which patient posses and his smile desires like Teeth whitening, Porcelain veneers,Laminates.

It depends on the type of condition patient comes with and the age of the patients. Most of the treatments are performed on the permanent teeth.Like teeth whitening can be preferably performed after 18 years of age. Porcelain veneer are also performed after the complete eruption of the permanent dentition.

No,there are no to minimal known side effects of any dental cosmetic procedures . If the patient has been counselled properly and overall treatment protocols followed , it leads to a very high success rate and patient satisfaction index.


Body contouring or body & Facial Sculpting is a medical procedure that aims to reshape an area of the body. This reduces fat, shape areas of the body and tightens the overlying skin. Lipolysis is a nonsurgical option that uses cold, heat, lasers and other methods. Facial lipolysis to get a desired shape of face or to achieve a well balanced facial contour has been in trend as its a day care procedure with hardly any downtime .

Phosphatidylcholine & Deoxycholate injection are used now a days as lipolytic agents to dissolve the fat and achieve the desired contour.

Our patients choose to have body sculpting to look and feel thinner and to attain a desired shape. It’s often used on specific areas of the body when diet and exercise don’t prove to be effective in certain resistant areas of the body.

Body contouring can target most areas of the body.

Common sites include:

  • Face
  • Belly and flanks (love handles)
  • Buttocks
  • Neck and chin
  • Thighs

Though surgical body contouring can take upto several weeks to recover , body or face countering done by injection lipolysis hardly has any downtime and our patients usually resume back to there routine life , the very next day or the day after the procedure .

Some amount of redness , swelling , tenderness is usually expected for few days after the procedure which will subside with the medicines prescribed to you .


A chemical peel uses medicated and buffered chemicals to remove damaged or aged layers of skin to reveal the softer, more youthful skin underneath.

Most chemical peel procedures begin with prepping the skin either with skin care treatments or with microdermabrasion. We even prescribe you home care regimen few weeks before the chemical peel treatment to actually prep your skin for the peeling which is called as skin prep module. Our team member will clean your skin and use a mild toner to remove any oils before gently applying layers of a solution to peel away the aged surface of the skin. Depending on the procedure, the solution is left on your face for a certain period of time before the product is removed. After removing the peel solution a cream is applied to aid in comfort.

Recovery time after a chemical peel depends on the type of peel , the depth of peel used and the indication for which it was used . After procedure, your skin may feel tight or sunburned. The proper post peeling skin care regimen is important to speed up the healing process and enhance results. Cleansing, moisturising, using sunscreen and prescribed creams are highly recommended after a chemical peel. Avoid sun exposure during the early healing period. Do not peel off loose skin. Allow skin to exfoliate on its own.

The results vary depending on the peel that you receive. A superficial peel like glycolic peel , salicylic acid peel , madelic or lactic acid peel slightly reduces the signs of aging and skin damage. Medium peels like cosmelan , dermamelan are more effective in reducing signs of sun damage and fine wrinkles , freckles , melasma pigmentation helping with the appearance of aging skin.

The state of your skin after a peel depends on what kind of peel you had. The superficial peels have limited effects and the medium peels may cause some redness

With good sun protection, results can last months to years, depending on the depth of the peel. Generally, the deeper peels have a more long lasting effect.

Peels performed at Clinique Internationale :

  • Glycolic acid peel
  • Salicylic acid peel
  • Jessners peel
  • Mandolin and lactic acid peel
  • Cosmelan Chemical peel
  • Dermamelan Chemical peel


Scars form as part of skin's natural healing process whenever multiple layers of skin receive a thermal , chemical or mechanical injury . The injury may be the result of an accident, surgery, burns or even severe acne.

These are several different types of scars including:
Post Traumatic scar:

These are the scars formed post trauma and usually are pigmented if the trauma was due to any road side accident . A clean wound without any foreign body contamination heals well without leaving any prominent marks

Keloid scars.

These scars are the result of an aggressive healing process extending beyond the original injury. Treatments include surgery to remove the scar, steroidal injections, or silicone sheets to flatten the scar. It is most common among people with dark skin.

Contracture scars.

Skin burn may lead to contracture scar. These scars tighten skin, which can impair your ability to move. Contracture scars may also go deeper, affecting muscles and nerves.

Hypertrophic scars.

These are raised, red scars similar to keloids but do not go beyond the boundary of the injury. They can be managed easily as compared to a keloidal scar . Treatments include injections of steroids to reduce inflammation or silicone sheets, which flatten the scar.


Acne might lead to scarring on face . There are many types of acne scars, ranging from pitted scars to rolled scars to icepick scars to mixed variants . Although icepick scars may be considered to be the most difficult to treat , usually treatment options depend on the type of acne scars you have.

Laser machine work on the principle of creating micro-injuries or initiating microtrauma in the deeper layers of skin depending upon the type and depth of scar , thus stimulating new collagen formation and making the scar shallow and narrower with each subsequent sitting.

Sometimes a combination of laser and dermaroller is also used to enhance and fasten the result. External Growth factors are also used to obtain a better result and hasten healing response.

The procedure feels like snapping of rubber band , sometimes like warm pricks and usually tolerated well by most of the patients. For sensitive skin type, cold air or ice may be used to minimise discomfort. In anxious patients we also recommend using skin numbing creams 1 hour before the procedure which make the procedure literally painless and comfortable .

At our centre we used Carbon Dioxide fractional laser and Q switched NDYAG laser for scar revisions and laser resurfacing of scars .

Facial Sculpting

A well shaped face is everyone’s desire. Removal of subcutaneous fat by injection lipolysis is a facial sculpting procedure that targets localized areas of fat, which is resistant to exercise and diet. Liposuction to remove subcutaneous fat is the most common aesthetic surgical procedure worldwide but its a invasive procedure requiring general anesthesia, and has a theoretical risk of major complications. Nonsurgical alternatives to liposuction in common practice are cryolipolysis, HIFU and injection lipolysis. The use of lipolytic drug to induce a nonsurgical fat reduction is a common method in cosmetic medicine, and has been used through local injections especially for patients seeking nonsurgical alternatives . Recent approval of deoxycholate (DC) for the purpose of injection lipolysis by the US Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) has made injection lipolysis as one of the mainstream nonsurgical techniques for facial sculpting .


Botox or botulinum toxin is a neuromuscular blocker which is injected into the wrinkled areas of the face using a fine needle. Botox is considered to be one of the most commonly performed non surgical cosmetic treatment in the world. It works by blocking nerve signals thus preventing muscles in those areas of the face from contracting, which makes skin smooth and shiny.

Botox treatments are quick and not considered painful. Most patients say they experience minimal discomfort during the injection process, but that it does not continue after the completion of the procedure. Because Botox treatment requires no anesthesia or recovery time, some patients even schedule appointments for Botox injections during their lunch hour and are able to return to work right after their appointment.

Each patient is different, but most will typically begin to notice results gradually between 3-7 days after receiving injections. For some, it may take up to 2 weeks to realize the final effects.

The outcome will vary from person to person, but typically you can expect the results of Botox to last from three to six months. The location of the injection and the amount used are the biggest factors that may affect how long it lasts. Other factors include your age, the elasticity of your skin, and wrinkle depth.

Over time when facial muscles aren’t used, they eventually get shorter and smaller so regular use of Botox may extend the results for longer periods of time.

Many patients wonder if they are too young or too old to try Botox. Some begin treatment as a preventative measure at the first site of lines and wrinkles. Others wait until later in life when these expression lines become more prominent. To determine if you may benefit from Botox treatment, it’s best to first schedule a consultation with our Cosmetic Surgeon.

Botox is an USA FDA approved as a safe and effective treatment for reversing lines and wrinkles. However, patients who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have certain neurological diseases should not receive Botox treatments.

As with any cosmetic procedure, there is always a risk of side effects. Some patients may experience bruising, swelling, redness or tenderness around the injection site post therapy . These side effects resolve on their own within a few days or up to a week following the procedure .

Your doctor may advise you to not consume alcohol or cease taking certain medications or supplements in the week prior to your treatment such as aspirin, ibuprofen, Gingko Biloba, or Ginseng, which are known blood thinners .


Dermal filler injections are a type of nonsurgical aesthetic procedure. Dermal fillers plump up wrinkles, smooth lines and restore volume in your face. Our surgeon injects it just under your skin. Our clients choose to get dermal fillers to enhance their facial features or gain a more youthful appearance. This elective treatment usually takes few minutes to perform and recovery time is minimal. Results are seen right away and last months to years depending on the type of filler and the location.

There are several kinds of dermal fillers. We will be discussing with you in detail about all the available options and the best suited for your case and condition.

The fillers used by our physicians are biocompatible, which means that they’re not harmful to your body most containing or made up of synthetic hyaluronic acid, which mimics a substance that occurs naturally in your body. Over time, its ingredients break down and are naturally eliminated from your body .

For fillers, our doctors use a very small needle, and the quick injection feels like a small pinch , so most patients find the treatment very tolerable. We also provide cold compresses to patients for increased comfort and reduced swelling after their injections. We alos specialise in injecting filler by blunt cannulas which reduces the chances of bruising and postoperative discomfort. Who may not undergo a treatment

Individuals who are sensitive or allergic to any of the ingredients in dermal fillers should not undergo the procedure. People with certain skin conditions may also be discouraged from using dermal fillers, although our physician will ultimately help you determine whether these products are safe for you. In addition to treating wrinkles, these products may also be used for smoothing the appearance of scars, adding volume to various areas of the face, for enhancing the lips & to treat dark circles .

We typically advise dermal filler patients to discontinue the use of alcohol, products that contain aspirin, and certain blood thinning medications for a few days before and after the procedure. This reduces the risk of bleeding and excessive bruising.

Depending on the type of filler you’ve had, you may need to postpone certain activities or avoid manipulating the injection site. Your physician will provide you with a specific set of guidelines that’s been tailored to your treatment.


Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is concentrated blood plasma which contains approximately eight to ten times the number of platelets found in normal circulating blood. In addition to the platelets, it contains growth factors and other bioactive proteins that aid in wound healing and hair growth.

Our doctor uses PRP to stimulate the growth of follicles, thereby reversing the hair miniaturization (thinning hair) seen in androgenic alopecia (common baldness). Also we have use Follirich growth factor from Wockhardt to potentiate the effect of PRP.

Platelet rich plasma offers an additional way to stimulate hair growth, especially in people who cannot use other forms of treatment. It may be useful if someone is not a candidate for a hair transplant, or cannot use finasteride. It is also useful in the treatment of crown thinning where a hair transplant may not be appropriate.

  • We withdraw approx 10ml of blood from patient and centrifuge it at 2000 rpm for 14 mins.
  • This separates plasma from the blood.
  • Meanwhile Patient’s scalp is anaesthetised under local anaesthesia.
  • Plasma is then injected in the scalp using fine needle syringe.

Patients usually see results in 3 to 6 months. However, the response time may be vary from patients to patients .

Glutathione Injection

Glutathione is a substance made from the amino acids glycine, cysteine, and glutamic acid. It is produced by the liver and involved in many body processes. Its main function is in tissue building , maintaining immune system and also functions as a strong antioxidant by eliminating toxic free radicals from the body.

People take glutathione for aging, alcohol use disorder, liver disease, heart disease, and many other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses.

Glutathione Injection works by clearing the body of toxins and free radicals that causes hyperpigmentation, wrinkles, acne, and even melasma. It also has anti-inflammatory properties also. The most effective way to enhance glutathione levels is having regular glutathione injections.

The answer to this depends on a patient’s metabolism. When speaking of glutathione’s effects on the skin, some patients might observe less breakouts and smoother skin texture in as little as two or three weeks. Others, might also require several months for the benefits to develop. Although a specific skin concern may not be immediately addressed, other positive changes are likely to show more rapidly.

Side effects of Glutathione Injection depends upon the amount of Glutathione injected in the body.

Possible side effects may include:

  • Abdominal bloating
  • Belly cramps.
  • Disturbed breathing due to bronchial constriction.
  • allergic reactions, such as rash , skin redness , eruptions etc


  • Its a very convenient & speedy process
  • If patient wants permanent hair removal, repeated sessions of LHR helps
  • Triple wavelength lasers at Clinique Internationale, targets both dark & coarse hair as well as thin velours hairs

Laser hair reduction can be done in both light as well as dark skinned individuals. Although patients with dark hair & light skin tend to show improvement at a very fast rate, even patients with dusky or dark skin can show a significant improvement if laser protocols are followed correctly. Recent advances had made it possible that this treatments only focus on the target hairs and not on the surrounding skin & other tissues.

Several lasers and light devices are available in the market for hair removal. Some most prominent names are Ruby laser (694nm), Alexandrite laser (755nm), Diode laser (800nm), intenser pulse light (590-1200nm), Nd:Yag Lasers (1064nm). Although the purpose of the devices is to damage the cells of the hair follicle by targeting melanin. Melanin absorbs wavelength between 600-1100nm which is the recommended optical window for hair removal. Therefore a triple wavelength diode laser is considered to be the ideal laser machine for hair reduction.

It is necessary to avoid all epilation techniques for 2-4 weeks before laser hair reduction. Shaving the hair by the technician immediately before beginning the treatment or by the patient a day before treatment is adequate. If the sessions are not preceded by shaving, the pulses absorbed by the long hair could induce burning of the skin.

The most common side effects are redness on the treated areas which can stay for a day or two. Though it is not seen in every patient but chances increases in patients with sensitive skin type. Pain while undergoing the session in the sensitive areas can be avoided by communicating with your doctor so that he/she an modify the parameters accordingly. Other side effects like skin burn, hyper-pigmentation, scarring, hypopigmentation can occur but are rare if all the protocols have been followed appropriately


Tattoos have fascinated mankind from all cultures and strata of society since centuries. Basically tattoos are created by injection of exogenous pigments into the dermal skin layer & can be placed with intent or it can be a result of any accident/trauma. Professional tattoos are created with a tattoo machine into the deeper layer of dermis. They generally require repeated sessions to remove. Q-switched lasers have been the work-horse for tattoo removal procedures. These lasers work on the concept of selective thermolysis, where laser lights of different wavelength Is preferentially absorbed by different chromophores. In case of tattoos the chromophores are exogenously placed. A thorough history & examination is mandatory in establishing the type of tattoo, skin type of patients & deciding the skin type of patients prior to treatment.

Patients treatment objective & expectations are understood & potential downtime outcome & post operative care is explained to the patient in detail.


Hair growth by low level laser therapy (LLLT) uses a monochromatic & coherent beam in the red or near red infrared wavelength. It is safe painless & effective US FDA approved treatment for hair growth.

LLLT causes conversion of velours and intermediate hair follicles to active growing follicles. Nevertheless it also transforms telogen follicles into anlagen follicles. We at Clinique Internationale, combine LLLT Treatment with cyclic vitamin & PRP Treatment to achieve Maximum hair growth for our patients. iGrow has a proprietary low level light therapy which utilises a highly effective combination of laser red light & LED Light diodes. These lights stimulate & energise cellular activity of the hair follicles, leading to a stimulation in natural function of the hair follicle. These treatment is done in several sessions ranging from 4-1- depending upon the level of hair thinning & active hair loss.

  • Advantages of LLLT Procedure
  • Safe & effective
  • Proven results in several clinical trials
  • Ideal for men & women both
  • Backed by years of satisfaction guarantee
  • US FDA cleared Product


Scars are the result of the skin’s wound healing process that leads to altered skin appearance. All wounds heal with some amount of scar formation. Scars can have significant cosmetic, physical & emotional impacts on patients, initiating many to seek treatment. Various treatment modalities have been used, demonstrating the efficacy of lasers in improving several types of scars, including, hypertrophic scars, and acne scars. Advancements in laser technology have enhanced the ability of laser devices to improve the appearance, texture, and depth of all scar types.

Lasers, Radio-frequency, IPL & ultrasound assisted devices used alone or combines have been proved to effectively & safely improve the appearance of scar. Both fractional lasers & radio frequency devices can be solely applied for the treatment of both hypertrophic & traumatic scars. Ultrasound can be used as an adjuvant therapy with radio frequency or fractional lasers mainly in the cases of hypertrophic scars. Devices like PDL & IPL are solely used or in combination with fractional lasers for red scars. At Clinique Internationale, we combine the treatment modality with fractional lasers, derma rollers, radio-frequency devices & growth factors to optimise the texture & appearance of scars


The ULTRAFORMER III is an optimum, non-invasive ultrasound device that lifts and tightens the face for a youthful appearance and tightens the body for slimmer contours. The system remodels collagen to remove facial wrinkles and sagging skin and tighten body tissues to reflect your true potential.

It is a skin tightening treatment that offers instant results, is cost-effective and gives patients a more lifted, tightened and contoured skin.
  • Specialised treatment tailored for your needs
  • No pre-treatment preparations required
  • Average treatment times range from 30 to 45 minutes

You will notice immediate results following procedure which will gradually become more enhanced over a course of 4-12 weeks depending on your treated area.

Ultraformer III could be an ideal non-surgical solution for you if you have areas of sagging skin. Patients with below enlisted conditions are ideal candidates for :
  • Fine lines
  • Wrinkles on the face
  • Loose or sagging skin
  • Decrease in skin elasticity
  • Stubborn belly fat
  • Love handles


Acne is commonly seen on the face, as well as the back. It can occur as small red spots (papules), yellow spots (pustule) large and painful red spots (nodules,) or comedones – black and white heads.

Acne can occur at any age but it is more common in teenagers and young adults. Acne commonly starts appearing between the age of 14 to 20 years and still can retain for a prolonged period of time.

Acne is caused by clogging of pores and inflammation of sebaceous glands. Androgens increase sebum production from sebaceous glands and this allows the bacteria to grow which causes inflammation.

Stress will not cause acne but it can intensify your acne.

Common causes of adult acne are often associated with a poor diet.

One may eliminate the following food articles to reduce acne

  • Fast food
  • Dairy Products
  • Refined Wheat Flour
  • Sugars

Prescription medicines which we use to treat acne include topical retinoids, topical & oral antibiotics, salicylic acid face washes, topical adapelene and benzoyl peroxide gels.

Some aggressive acne may need peels like Salicylic acid peel or acnelan peel.


Alopecia, is a hereditary condition that develops in men and women. Female & male pattern baldness commonly occurs due to genetic inheritance. Other factors include hormonal imbalance, nutritional deficiencies, stress, environmental factors, radiation therapy, hair treatments or styling products etc.

First of all its necessary to determine the root cause of your hair loss. After the diagnosis is made it is important to decide the form of treatment which it will be amenable to.Treatment always starts with medical management which includes, cyclic hair vitamin therapy, finasteride and topical minoxidil or peptide lotions. Some forms of hair loss tend to resolve themselves over a period of time without need for medical treatment.

However others may need medical intervention & supplements. If your hair loss is as a result of male pattern baldness then this tends to be permanent.

If either of your parents experienced baldness at a fairly young age then you stand a good chance of doing the same. The genetics for baldness is often handed down in families so try & find out if there is a tendency of baldness/ early hair loss in yours. If there is then look at ways of arresting any further hair loss. Consult your physician at the very onset of your hairloss for better and effective management.

There are so many ways of styling your hair & some of these styles can have a negative impact on your hair.

Avoid undergoing various heating procedures for your hair, which may degrade the texture and shine of your hair. Also refrain from tying your hair very tightly which might lead to traction alopecia.

It is extremely normal for every person to lose about 50-100 strands of hair every day. This happens due to the hair growth cycle, which requires the hair to be shed in the end, so that new hair can grow in its place. However, if the hair fall is beyond this number, or if you notice that your hair doesn't seem to be growing back at all & the scalp becomes visible, this could be a sign of excessive hair fall.


Pigmentation is the discoloring of a person’s skin. If there is injury to the skin, it may look darker (hyper pigmentation) or lighter (hypo pigmentation). This may affect level of confidence and hence one may try to cover up with makeup. Long term of covering up with makeup can lead to other problems such as – pores congestion, breakouts, further blemishes on the skin, etc.

Pigmentation develops as a response to UV-induced trauma, resulting in stimulation of melanin production. Melanin is the skin’s defence to prevent further damage. Pigmentation can also develop due to other contributing factors like long term use of heavy medicines. Post inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) is usually seen post acne scar or trauma.

Topical Creams The most commonly used treatment option for hyperpigmentation is topical creams, which you can apply at the comfort of your own home.

Commonly used drugs include; retinoids, kojic acid, azelaic acid, arbutin, vitamin C and niacinamide.

Cosmetic procedures

In-clinic procedures for improvement and reduction of pigmentations are chemical peels (Cosmelan/Dermamelan), mesotherapy, and laser therapy. It is important to consult with your doctor about the best treatment options, their benefits and possible side effects of their chosen treatments.

A consultation is required prior to treatment to ensure that you are a good candidate. Patients presenting with highly sensitive skin or a history of skin cancer needs to be evaluated thoroughly before deciding any mode of treatment.

Most patients will see results after just after one treatment but the complete treatment may take several sessions depending upon the skin type of patients, type of pigmentation and the treatment modalities used. These results will be evident in about 4 days, and can last for beyond 3 yrs if maintained well.

Most patient’s report minimal discomfort and that any discomfort is well worth the results.